

During the installtion of a modern surveillance system a lot of things must be noted. Because of this it should never be installed by layman. And also spezialists of similar professions, like electricians, should not do this. A modern surveillance system is more computer technonology than an elektronical installations. Furthermore there are a lot of statutory provisions to be oberserved.

To avoid technical problems and legal conflicts, we just sell our cameras and alarm sytems together with the professinally installation!

To obtain the best result, we first have to find out the corresponding system for your need (indoor, outdoor, day, night) and the associated equipment (cables, WiFi, mountings etc.). Because of this our work always starts with a site visit. This and an interview with our client give us the base to draw a concept.

From this conept we work out a detailed offer, which gives the client an overview about all needed products, installtions and the costs. If he or she agrees with it, the next step is the proper installtion of the surveillance system.
This installation contains to put all devices (cameras, motion detectors, alarm system etc.) and the associated cable on their places. Sometimes we have to configurate some hardware like a WiFi modul. In a last step we configurate the associading software. In this step we also define the areas of the motion detectio of the cameras, alarm and times settings etc.

Of course our clients get a short introduction how to use the devices. But if there are some questions, you can reach us at any time by e-mail or phone.